Saturday, June 8, 2013

"Silver Linings Playbook" Movie Review

I just finished watching the movie "Silver Linings Playbook" starring Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence. I love how the romantic comedy-drama film is not the conventional "two average people fall in love". Instead, the two main characters, Pat and Tiffany, both have mental disorders and their quirks are what makes the movie very interesting.

I enjoyed it a lot, and didn't realize that Chris Tucker was also in it! One of my favorite parts was when he told Pat to "black it up" when they were trying to dance. xD I even teared up a little at the end, because the romance was quite adorable.

I've never read the book, but I assume that the book is better than the movie because that's always the case since in a novel the plot is more detailed and goes in-depth, whereas in a movie the story line must be brief. Nonetheless, it was an awesome movie and I recommend it to anyone who wants to watch a film with a little more edge than a sappy chick flick.

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